Property Claim Fraud
Insurance Sector
Many property claims involve big ‘what if’ questions. Such as, what revenue would a business have generated if an event had not caused damage? In addition to internal information, the wider industry and outside circumstances may need investigating. For instance, where there is a suspicion of arson by the insured we assist in analyzing possible financial motive.
Liability / Casualty
Insurance Sector
The numbers need to be road tested. For example, in professional liability, does the amount fit the circumstances of the loss? In personal injury, what were the true earnings of the person from their web of business interests? And in product liability, does the loss make sense when the pieces are put together?
Financial Lines
Security Agency & Insurance Sector
We need to tenaciously ask the right questions. In crime and fidelity we apply our understanding of misappropriation schemes and law enforcement requirements to uncover the facts and prove damages to a criminal standard. We may also need to decipher sophistry in directors and officers liability, clarify complexity in cyber liability and consider wider events in political risk.
Our work draws on diverse skill sets across disputes. For instance, our forensic technologists will assemble relevant documents from a massive population during discovery. Our forensic accountants will investigate the impact of a crisis on a business to piece together what truly happened. And our forensic investigation team will work with our other professionals to trace hidden assets.
Forensic Investigation
Legal & Corporate
A business may call on our specialists when they suspect something is not quite right. For example, we may draw on an economist to determine if behavior was anti-competitive, an anti-money laundering specialist to investigate a suspicion, forensic accountants to investigate fraud, or forensic technologists to employ data analytic software.